ppt animation:Create PPT animations in 1 second, this free niche website, I love it-PPT tutorial免费ppt模版下载-道格办公

Create PPT animations in 1 second, this free niche website, I love it

There is a friend around me who really likes cool PPT animations. Every time he sees the animated PPT I made, he always praises me for several days. This friend is an executive himself and is quite busy at work, so he doesn’t have time to learn PPT.

Whenever I need to make a PPT for a work report, I am asked for a PPT template, similar to this:

Private message and reply with the keyword [Cover Animation] to get these cool animation source files~

Replace pictures and copy with one click and you’re good to go~

Yesterday, I accidentally discovered a cool little website that can generate animation effects with one click and put it in PPT. The effect is amazing!

I shared it with him directly. Unexpectedly, my friend’s feedback was so great!

It’s a great tool for PPT beginners, and the important thing is that it’s free.

In this article, I share this website with you: https://watereffect.net/

Upload the file directly, select a special effect, and the website will be automatically generated. For example, here I uploaded a picture of an astronaut:

The generated effect is as follows:

Isn’t it great?
Dynamic effects will be even cooler! Just put it directly in the PPT~

Of course, this website can not only generate water texture effects, but also contains many special effects methods:

Mirror effect, collage effect, 8-bit effect, horror effect and more.

When generating GIF videos, you can also add appropriate audio to create various creative works.

For readers who like to cut videos or make dynamic PPT, it is simply a magical tool~


Remember to follow@PPT Theory of Evolution! I have also prepared a big gift package for you:

Private message and reply with the keyword [Cover Animation] to get these cool animation source files~

Articles are uploaded by users and are for non-commercial browsing only. Posted by: Lomu, please indicate the source: https://www.daogebangong.com/en/articles/detail/1-miao-zuo-chu-PPT-dong-tai-tu-zhe-ge-mian-fei-xiao-zhong-wang-zhan-ai-le-ai-le.html

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