Little tadpole looking for mother ppt:1. Little tadpoles find their mother and reflect-PPT tutorial免费ppt模版下载-道格办公

1. Little tadpoles find their mother and reflect

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1 tadpole looking for mother

1. Teaching objectives:

1. Able to recognize 15 new words in this lesson, words composed of these new words and new words composed of familiar words. Can write 10 new words in this lesson.

2. Make students understand the several changes in the frog's body during the growth process, and cultivate students' observation ability and love for nature.

3. Read the text by character.

Second, teaching key points and difficulties:

1. Learn new words and words.

2. Observe the pictures, understand the content of the text, and understand the process of a tadpole turning into a frog.

3. Preparation of teaching aids:

Small blackboard for new words, teaching video tape

4. Teaching location:

Multimedia comprehensive classroom

5. Teaching hours:

Three class hours

6. Teaching process:

The first lesson

1. Inspire conversations and introduce topics.

Students, do you know frogs? (Student: Yes!) Everyone knows that our friends can be divided into good friends and bad friends. Aphids are bad friends of crops, and frogs are good friends of crops. Do you like frogs? Who knows what a frog looked like when it was a child? How did it grow up? (Slideshows an illustration of a tadpole, then points out that this is what the frog looked like when it was a baby, and its name is - tadpole.) So how did the tadpole turn into a frog? After studying today's text, everyone will know.

(blackboard writing topic)

Second, first understand the meaning of the picture.

1. Make a request to see the picture: what is drawn on the picture? What are they doing? (The slide shows the first illustration) (Student answer)

2. Show the other two pictures one by one, and guide students to observe the physical changes of the tadpoles? Let the students talk about who the little tadpoles met in the process of finding their mother, and reveal that this is the process of growing up the little frog.

3. Question: What did the tadpole turn into in the end? Did they find their mother? Who is their mother? (Students)

4. Summary:

Please observe the picture carefully and think about the changes in the body of the tadpole every time it goes to find its mother. How did it start? How is it after a few days? So what? What did it end up being? (Students)

Third, with the help of pinyin, read the text for the first time.

1. Read the text aloud.

Thinking: How many times did the tadpole look for his mother before finding it? Who did it meet?

2. Correct pronunciation (Qun, Catch, Ying, Chang, etc.)

3. Answer the thinking questions, and the teachers and students will initially read the text by role. (Teacher: Narrative part; tadpole, carp, turtle and mother frog are played by four groups of students respectively.)

Fourth, read the first natural paragraph.

1. Read the first natural paragraph.

Question: How do you write the appearance of tadpoles in the text? Find the relevant words and sentences, talk about them, and draw them with a pen.

Question: How many tadpoles are there in our pond? (Student: There is a group.) The teacher explains the meaning of "a group", and then guides the students to form words for "group".

Instruct students to look at the picture and understand how the tadpoles are feeling? Question: From what movements of the tadpoles in the picture can we see? Which words in the paragraph describe that the tadpole is "happy"? (The teacher guides the students to answer the scene of the tadpole flicking its tail.)

2. Instruct the students to look at the picture, and the teacher repeats the appearance of the tadpole.

3. Guide to read the first natural paragraph aloud, and read out the funny and happy expression of the little tadpole.

5. Classwork:

Complete the second question (1) of the homework

Second lesson

1. Read the second paragraph.

1. Look at the illustration and ask: What is the difference between our little tadpoles now?

2. Read the second paragraph and talk about the changes in the tadpoles.

3. Read again (specify individual reading)

4. Look at the picture and tell why the tadpole swims to the mother carp? Understand the meaning of "welcome up".

Description: Because the little tadpoles saw the mother carp teaching the little carp to hunt, they thought they should have a mother too, but they didn’t know what the mother looked like So, I swam over to ask.

Description: The front is called "welcome". This is not only to express politeness, but also to let the carp mother find herself—little tadpole.

5. According to the content of the lecture, ask questions: What characteristics does the carp mother tell the tadpole?

6. Guide to read the second natural paragraph. ("Our" and "Where" should be read with accents; Mother Carp's answer should be read in an elder-like and friendly tone.)

Second, look at the picture and learn the third, fourth and fifth natural paragraphs.

1. Question: What changes happened to the tadpole after a few days?

Read the third natural paragraph.

2. The students answer and the teacher writes on the blackboard.

3. Why does the little tadpole mistake the turtle for his mother? Why do we use "catch up" in the text instead of "meet up"? (The teacher guides the students to answer: first, they use "chasing" one after the other; second, it reflects their joy and urgency when they think they have found their mother.)

4. The mother turtle told the tadpoles, what are the characteristics of their mothers? (Let the students underline the sentences in the text and read them)

5. Guide to read the third paragraph. The sentence of the little tadpole "quickly catch up and call" must read out the urgency to find his mother.

6. Read the fourth and fifth paragraphs softly, and guide students to look at the pictures while reading, thinking:

1) After a few days, what changes happened to the body of the tadpole? (writing on the blackboard)

2) Did the tadpole find its mother? Who is their mother? How did they recognize it?

(Response to the contact picture and related sentences: Review the characteristics of the frog mother introduced by the turtle, and the "four legs, wide Mouth", the little tadpole can find the mother when she understands the characteristics of the mother comprehensively.)

7. What is the fourth paragraph mainly about? Read first. (After free reading, guide the students to express the meaning of the paragraph)

"The little tadpole is already a frog", why add "already"? How did the little tadpole jump onto the lotus leaf? (kick, jump, jump)

8. What does the little frog do with its mother? This shows what? (It is a good friend of human beings) How should we treat frogs? (Student: We must protect our good friend - the frog)

Third, consolidate exercises.

1. Read the full text emotionally by character.

2. Complete the first question after class.

3. Complete the third question after class.

The third lesson

1. Review:

1. Read the text by character.

2. Guide the students to talk about how the tadpoles grow up in order.

(big head, long tail - grow two hind legs - grow two front legs - take off the tail, put on green clothes)

3. Guide to complete the second question after class.

Second, guide the group to read the text emotionally.

3. Recognize new characters, analyze fonts, and guide writing.

1. Watch the vocabulary teaching video tape to stimulate students' interest.

2. Guide learning new words.

3. Use testing and writing. (The teacher inspects and guides and praises the students in time)

Fourth, summarize the class.


(Teaching reflection reference 1) What am I

"What am I" is a newly edited popular science short article of the first unit of primary school Chinese in the People's Education Edition, in which, This article adopts anthropomorphic techniques, uses the first-person "I" narrative method and simple and vivid language to vividly introduce the different forms of water in nature and the relationship between its advantages and disadvantages for people. In order to enable students to think positively when studying this lesson, and learn the truth that only by using water reasonably, it can benefit people, so as to achieve the purpose of "stimulating students' interest in observing nature and cultivating their ability to observe nature" . In the teaching process, students should actively participate in learning activities, so as to obtain perceptual experience and simple methods of innovative activities, so that the external learning interest and motivation can be sublimated.

According to the characteristics of the text, I seized this "change" and used Monkey King, which students like very much, to attract everyone. Then, set up doubts with "he will change, and I will change, I want to know who I am", so that students can grasp the content of the text as a whole, perceive the general meaning of the text, and naturally guess "water". Then I treated the students as cute and naughty little water drops, and used the new word babies to test the little water drops for new word teaching, and the teacher guided the pronunciation and soft-syllable syllables. (In this lesson, I also integrate myself into the text, let the students enter this role with me, use the teacher-student interaction method to let the students get into the role as soon as possible, regard myself as "water", and "change" with everyone This design is easy to stimulate students' desire to explore, and teaching according to the characteristics of the text will not only enable students to enter the learning state at the fastest speed, but also allow students to deeply understand the text.) Use I am a "little water drop" to run through the full text, and read it Changes in water: first learn the sentences describing "steam" and "cloud", and then learn the sentences describing "rain, hail, snow", and use "I" to refer to myself. After being exposed to the sun, I will become steam and rise to After the sky became one piece, I turned into a cloud again. When I met the cold wind, I sometimes turned into water droplets and fell down, sometimes turned into small hard balls, and sometimes turned into small flowers and floated down. Then connect the change process between them with arrows, so that they can have a preliminary understanding. Due to time constraints, the latter part will be reserved for the next class. The two words that are required to be written in this lesson are "change, pole, piece, and side".

However, my handling of many links is not in place, such as:

1. In the teaching of new characters, I just asked a few students to read them, and after I explained them myself, I removed the pinyin and read them together by train. In a hurry, I don't know whether the students have mastered it or not. And there is no literacy in the context, and there is no "words are not separated from words, and words are not separated from sentences". For the students in the second and upper grades, it is still difficult to know so many new words in one class.

2. When reading aloud, the level is not clear, and only a few students are asked to read it, and they pass it if they read well; , without changing the form to let more students try to read this kind of emotion, so I don’t understand their real reading situation, maybe it’s just their original level, and I can’t help at all. In short, it is far from the original target positioning. For example, when teaching "rain, hail, and snow", the corresponding three verbs "fall, beat, and float" appeared. I didn't implement them well, and they passed by in a hurry. Here you can first create a situation for them to understand the language, and then the teacher will give them effective guidance, such as changing their positions, creating a situation, doing actions, and so on. For the teaching cloud part, let them read it first, and what did you discover while reading it? The teacher pretended not to understand, and asked: What are white clothes? ——Bai Yun; what are the black clothes? —Dark clouds; what are they clothed in the morning and in the evening? ——Morning glow, sunset glow, and understand the difference between "dressing and dressing". All these links need to be further improved and considered.

Through this presentation, I learned about my shortcomings and the gap between myself and others , clearly defined the direction of their own efforts. Always insist on one sentence: there is no best, only better!

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