the girl next door:一张禁欲系冷淡脸,成为众男神忘不掉的前女友-字体教程免费ppt模版下载-道格办公



Many times, some people are like a shadow, living in your mind and not feeling sad. It’s like drawing a delicate makeup, just getting ready to go out, but suddenly it started to rain. It seems that the new taste of the lollipop that I just bought has just dropped a bit and fell to the ground. It was also like the ice cream that I had eaten at the beach that summer. I just melted the package and melted it on my chest to stain the new skirt. Some people just never let you down


I still remember that I lived in an apartment. Before I quarreled with the scum, I would drive the scum male out and then the scum man would slam the door and then I would cry myself and sometimes I would cry for the whole afternoon. Then, once, the little girl next door, she heard me crying and knocked on the door to ask me how. I said that I am fine. all good. I probably opened the door and talked to her. She said that her boyfriend’s quarrel with her was often because her ex-girlfriend’s phone disappeared and left her. It’s coincidental that the girl cried again that afternoon. It’s very loud, the boy seems to be hitting her, only to hear the girl crying very badly, crying and saying why you always do this, she broke up with you, you have to go see her, the whole The apartment is a total of six households. The entire corridor can hear them noisy. When I open the door, I see the couples in the corridor coming out at her door. I want to comfort her but I don't. I don't know what to do, because I just broke up at that time. I just think that the scum man is a scum man, there is no reason to leave.


In the past, there were always a few young men in the company. They were decent and sweet, and they always licked girls. Sometimes they were treated as gentlemen. In fact, they all had a big-faced scum. Before the skateboarding group has seen a lot of people, the surface is warm, actually, as long as they are girls, they have to go to the girls to warm up the players, probably some distant love and then stay a few women A girlfriend or the like can even be said to be a fire-fighting friend of a scam. I don’t know how everyone treats love now, I don’t know, I don’t dare to ask.


There is also a kind of scum male, who also has a heart that embraces the world and wants to give happiness to girls all over the world. It’s like saying that although I am married but can’t influence the relationship between us, I’m talking about it. However, he actually forgot the woman who gave him a son, and he had to help him with his mortgage. He also had to serve his family with one heart and one mind, and he was still worried about him. And he is not the same, and may not remember which ex-girlfriend.




I suddenly remembered another colleague of mine. He used to talk to the other parents when he was working in a small unit. The woman always disliked him and looked down on him. Later, his mother asked him to arrange for him to work in a business unit. This is very powerful. He described to me that the attitude of the woman’s parents was immediately different. I wished that his daughter would immediately go to bed with him, and then he would marry him. Kind. However, he also said very straightforwardly that he was not interested in the goods and did not want to go on. Later, of course, it was a breakup. It seems that I heard that it was changed after four or five objects were changed.



Someone asked me for help before and asked what should I do. A big man, chasing a girl for less than three months, in order to find out if there is a girl in his heart, please ask me for a plan. I arranged everything, to help pick the gift, I carefully prepared for a week, also helped to find out all the other people's preferences, and also helped him with a simple courtship ceremony, I think, girls are concerned about these. The beginning of a love must be from the boy's sentence: I like you, are you willing to be my girlfriend? At the beginning, but who knows that there is an episode later. The boy told me that the whole process was followed by the plan and steps I gave and then successfully reached the goddess. As a result, the goddess slept him and took the gift. Later, I was about to break up. I later told the person, forgot her, and replaced one. what can I do? I can only give you a good idea, but after this specific thing, I can't control it. After all, I don’t know very well whether the goddess you want is a ghost or a ghost. You can also think about it. If a truly honest and responsible boy, I am talking about a true single youth, not the kind of married outside. Single type. If you are truly open-minded, you must also meet a girl who is honest and upright with himself. There will be no sand sculpture stories like those on Weibo who have been deceived.

Love itself is the foundation of trust, based on the sincerity of each other. I also hope that everyone will be able to meet someone who is full of you and willing to pay for you in the future. I hope that this Tanabata, you have him too.


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